At Specialist Painting Group we specialise in corrosion and erosion preventive coatings with an innovative approach to problem solving and project management. We source the most dynamic, durable and sustainable materials extending the practical working life of a tank by up to 25 years.
Our Protective Coatings Division are experts in surface preparation and the application of an extensive range of tank lining products designed to meet every corrosion and containment challenge. All of our operatives hold a City and Guilds Confined Space and full First Aid certificate removing any access issues that arise on site.
Secondary Containment:
It is important to make sure all liquid materials are stored correctly and in the event of an accident aggressive and harmful chemicals can be contained in the catchment area and recovered safely.
The reinforced glass flake epoxy water tank lining system and the use of the reinforced coating greatly reduces permeation of the finished lining.
SPG Head Office
Padholme Road East